Feb 7, 2022Liked by Mass ____

When they tested white-tailed deer in the US, they found SARS-COV-2 antibodies in 3 samples from January 2020 - ie predating the supposed US index case, which I read was a scientist or researcher returning from Wuhan via a somewhat circuitous route. This evidence of early wild deer infection only merits a casual mention in articles about these animals being a possible reservoir, and the risks that presents, eg NatGeo: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/wild-us-deer-found-with-coronavirus-antibodies

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What a fantastic deep dive, fab resource thanks! Because good stuff tends to vanish I have saved at Wayback and encourage you to make sure your other research and references are protected for posterity! :~)


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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Mass ____

Did any of the known "evali" patients transmit "evali" to family or medical workers, etc?

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.Hmm, nice work here. Hello Fony. Some more bread crumbs here for you.

Hello Billy: Yes, EVALI manifested in "clusters".

CDC: geographical clustering of cases.

E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use–Associated Lung Injury Among Clusters of Patients Reporting Shared Product Use — Wisconsin, 2019



EVALI clusters also spread geographically from hot spots.


wisconsin story below.

Plus some more bread crumbs: Remember about that boiler that exploded in Baltimore, that serviced that specific BW research establishment with no incinerator, that was recruiting for in-vivo aerosolization testing & was flooded in May 2018?




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